Making lists is one of the things I like doing. I have a daily
to-do lists, also a yearly projects and goals, and what I want to accomplish on
the long term. But I spend little or no time on what I’m going to stop doing.
I know I need a stop doing list because it’s as important as
a start doing list, but I have never made one for myself. Don’t know why!
Recently I have been thinking through a list of thinks I have
to stop doing and I found it hard to create.
That’s why I came
up with some reason why I need a stop
doing list:
Where am heading to?
Some of the thing am doing now will not take me to my
desired destination, so I have to let go some attitude and add them to my stop
doing list to enable me focus on where am heading to.
What am I selfish about?
There are some things on my stop doing list I really love
doing. But am considering reinventing my
roles and stop doing so things I really do love. Just because I like something doesn't mean it is right for me.
Who am I afraid to disappoint?
The fear of not wanting to disappoint others is what has
kept me doing what I should have let go of a long time ago. And that is why I have
trouble with some of my stop doing list, because I will eventually disappoint someone.
That’s why answering the first question of where am heading
has to be my ultimate quest, as it will guide my decision making process.
The stop-doing list may be the most important list I have to
make this New Year as it will guide me to have a good start-doing list
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