Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reform The Less Privilege Otherwise They Will Make Life Uncomfortable For The Privileged - Mercy Johnson.

Last Friday, Sunday Sun caught up with Mercy Johnson at the Boys Correctional Center, Oregun, Lagos, where she went to speak to the boys and donate some gifts. She spoke briefly about motherhood and living beyond the moment. Samuel Olatunji recorded this excerpts…

You were at OJB’s house to see him and donate money, now you are here to donate to the Boys Reform Home in Lagos. What’s the idea?
No idea, we are just promoting the ideals of Mercy Johnson Foundation.  The idea is to identify the needs, evaluate and help in our own little way. All fingers are not equal; those in position to help should do so without hesitation. You will be hearing a lot about Mercy Johnson Foundation from now on. We have put our house in order and now ready to help those we can.

Wife Caught In The Act & Forced To Do It With Her Boyfriend In Public

A cheating wife was caught in the act with her boyfriend by her husband and the people in the community took justice into their hands by forcing the cheating partners to have sex in public while they watch. The husband who couldn’t watch,